Tuesday, November 28, 2006

GotabeMobile review of the Lenovo X60 Thinkpad Tablet PC


- Warner Crocker

X60smallIf it feels like a Lenovo Thinkpad Tablet PC week here at GottaBeMobile, well that might be accurate. To be honest, it is tough not to like this new Tablet PC, and I have to say, I’m very grateful for the opportunity I have had this last week to give it a once over and share some of my thoughts with you.

So, let’s take a look at the Thinkpad X60 Tablet PC. In this GBM Hardware InkShow I take a walk around tour of the unit I received which comes with the SXGA + (high res) screen option and is an engineering sample provided by Lenovo. I also discuss the battery options, examine the Nav Dial, take a look at the many utilities that come pre-loaded on the Thinkpad, and even show you a neat trick or two exclusive to the Thinkpad X60 Tablet PC. In my opinion, Lenovo has a winning entry in the Thinkpad X60 and it X60tablet10logowill certainly have as large an impact on the Tablet PC market as their original X41 entry, which was enormous.

A couple of notes: I was so excited putting the InkShow together that I goofed on the screen resolution options that are available when making the recording. Here they are:

XGA = 1024x768
XGA / Multitouch / Outdoor = 1024x768 (upgrade price of $200)
SXGA+ = 1400x1050 (upgrade price of $50)

On pricing, note that Lenovo will have three different options available with launch today, November 14, ranging from $1799 to $2399. On November 28 you will be able to configure your order to your liking from an array of options with a base price of $1699 (one year warranty as opposed to three.)

X60table14logoIf you’re looking for more specs check out this GBM post that also contains the great interview that Dennis Rice conducts with Mike Hagerty, the Worldwide Segment Manager for the Thinkpad series, before you dive into this Hardware InkShow review.

Remember also, that GottaBeMobile.com will be publishing another exclusive Hardware InkShow very soon in which Dennis Rice will be reviewing the Multi-Touch/Indoor/Outdoor screen, the Ultra-Bay Media Slice, and much more. You don’t want to miss that one.